
Get to know me

Im Taofique AKA Taz. I have had a passion for lifting heavy things,
sprinting up hills and motivating others for over a decade.
I was never a sporty child and I always struggled with my weight,
until i went to theatre school. Then from a successful but
relentless career on the west end stage and screen, I discovered,
the bodies capabilities are endless; with the right training
and motivation.

Now I want to bring my passion for movement to Barry’s.

I do what I do firstly because my heart tells me to, but the joy of
seeing clients and peers surpass their limitations in my class is
the best icing on any cake.

“We can stand around trying to look cute or we can get ugly now
and feel good for a lifetime”




My clients.

Guilty Pleasure

A TWISTER, can't go wrong with a twister

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My name, it looks confusing but it's simple really

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