- 5-things I Love with Houston trainer, Meghan Smith
- 1. All OUAI products – especially the lotion! The smell is amazing and it keeps my skin hydrated and soft.
- 2. Dyson supersonic hair dryer! It’s basically all I use at home. I’m always looking for ways to be efficient, in all aspects of life, personal hair care included. I’m doing my thang on the IGTV series, “Getting Ready for Nothing” this Thursday. Please tell me you are tuning in
- 3. Any pair of Ultracor leggings. The fit is amazing! I love the underwear lining to keep everything smooth while I’m sprinting.
- 4. Celsius Energy Drink for a midday pick me up – Y’all they announced a new flavor and I cannot WAIT to try!
- 5. ROSÉ cause duh – who doesn’t need a glass during the Q!


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