How do you like to fuel your workouts & refuel post-workout?
I am active constantly so I try and give my body the cleanest ingredients to fuel it for my workouts. Lots of protein and veggies, mixed with carbs, sweet potatoes are my favorite. 🙂

How do they stay motivated to keep active / keep a healthy routine?
Exercise has always been such a big part of my life from a young age. As I’ve gotten older it has become my therapy. Moving my body just resets my day, it gives me a sense of calm that really nothing else does. That inner peace and clarity is the driving force behind all of my workouts. There have been MANY times where I thought, wow, I really do not want to do this right now. But I have never once regretted a workout or moving my body. I always feel so much better and calmer on the other side of it.

What’s your favorite Splendid Spoon meal and why?
Oh wow, everything I have tried is so good! I really love the vegan meatballs and marinara.

Any fun facts / things you want to share with the Barry’s community?
The Splendid Spoon detox shot did help me bounce back from a horrific hangover after my friends made me play a game called “shot roulette”… don’t play. But if you do… make sure you have a detox shot on hand for the next day.

Published by Barry's in NUTRITION on August 16, 2021

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